THE LAP is a low-level route around Lake Windermere and as such is already the bad weather option.
Ultra running for most people is mostly walking dressed like a runner, and that's why you get cold! Carrying kit is part of the challenge of ultra. Don't let trying to skimp on weight get you into trouble.
Waterproof Jacket
Must have a hood and factory taped seams.

Waterproof Trousers/Overtrousers
Must have factory taped seams.

Extra Warm Layer
A long sleeve technical tee, fleece or lightweight synthetic/duvet jacket. We'll leave it to you to decide which is most appropriate for you but please consider how long you will be out and how quickly you will be moving, there are no prizes (or sympathy) for who can get the coldest.
The nights will be cold, much colder if it is raining.

Hat/Buff & Gloves
We will accept a buff or similar as a hat. Gloves must be full finger.

Suitable Footwear
Trail shoes recommended. You will not have any fun in road shoes or flip flops.

Water Carrying Ability
Minimum 1L capacity in a bladder, bottle or flasks.
There will be no cups available at any aid stations or the water station.

To include at least 500kcal (e.g. 2 Mountain Fuel bars) emergency ration remaining at the finish.
We have the best food options and more feed stations than you will ever see on a race this distance.

Headtorch/Chest Torch
Fully charged and proven to work, plus a spare torch/head torch.
Power banks and spare batteries are no-longer permitted due to the number of dropped battery, and torches not working while charging.
Anyone entering a feed station after dark without a headtorch or chest torch will be instantly removed from the event on safety grounds. A phone light is not acceptable and you will receive a DNF.
No tissues will be provided for you to dry your eyes, so don't even bother crying about it to the R.O.

Mobile Phone
Fully charged for emergencies with the race organiser's number saved (RO number on map provided). Not to be used for navigation as this will quickly kill battery. Use a separate device for navigation.

Emergency Heat Reflective/Foil Bag
Not a foil blanket, not just plastic, don't even ask, and we have no interest in what other events allow!
Something like one of these,

Basic First Aid Kit
We have a fantastic team of Paramedics and first Aiders at multiple locations around the course at all times. It is highly unlikely that you will fall over and graze you hands and knees right beside them however, and having the ability to slow down blood loss with a bandage or plaster until you reach one of our first aid stations will make sure you, or someone you find on the trail will have a much safer and more enjoyable event.

And know how to use it.

Supplied, with the route marked and locations of the water/feed/aid stations. The map will be printed on waterproof paper.
Race HQ Emergency phone number is also on your map.

THE LAP is fully way-marked like no other event in the country, but is an excellent opportunity to practice navigation and get used to properly using a compass. If you wish to progress in ultra, navigation is an essential skill you will need to master.
It is not unknown for signage to be removed from an event. Having some basic navigational skills could just save your day. You will most likely not need it but we'd rather you carried one all the same!
A mobile phone is not a compass. A watch is not a compass.

GPS Tracker
This is a small box, about the size of a matchbox, which we will attach to your rucksack/vest strap (the tracker needs to be able to detect a GPS signal).
Trackers allow us, and your followers online, to see your progress around THE LAP. The tracker needs to be external to your pack to ensure a consistent signal.
Do not tamper with your tracker. are only to be attached or removed by race officials and will be removed for you when you cross the line.
Provided by us and very expensive, so need to be returned to us immediately after the event. A charge of £5 per day and £350 after 10 days is payable if not returned.

Cash, not just a card, we recommend £20. If you plan on stopping at one of the many pubs, cafe's, outdoor shops en route, or just to top-up between feed stations, bring more.
To pay for a taxi if you decide to withdraw or miss a cutoff.

To carry it all. This must be on your person at all times, while running.
By and large our events are run on good faith. Of course you could cheat and be really clever, you could also get yourself and others in real trouble.
We've seen it all; Action Man waterproofs [complete with taped seams!] toy compasses, a jelly bean as an emergency ration...) but, honestly, why bother? We will name and shame on social media...
We want to have a good time and following the kit list is one way of ensuring we stay happy, and you stay safe.

A kit check will be carried out at registration with random items being targeted depending on the expected weather over the weekend. It is your responsibility yo have all mandatory kit on or about your person at all times during the event, regardless of what is checked at registration.
Spot checks could be held at any time around the route, at any of the aid stations or the finish. A kit check will be carried out if for any reason you have to be checked out by any of our medical team or loaded into one of our ambulances. All local MRT teams have been advised of our mandatory minimum kit for the event and have been asked to do a kit check for us should they be required to attend.
All items listed above must be present at all times, either on your person or carried to remain in the event and qualify for a result.​
The top 3 Female, top 3 Male and top Other finishers will all have to present bags for kit check upon crossing the line. Failure to have mandatory kit will result in an instant DNF.